
Well I haven't written anything at all in awhile.  It is now 3:44 am and I am not sleeping again!. I have been having problems sleeping for a few days now. My brain just won't shut down. So I have been Twittering. Twitter is fascinating, it is amazing who you can follow. Allot of the "celebs" out there don't answer back, but some do. 

Brooke Shields is a wonderful down-to-earth lady who is sweet and she does respond. This woman has such a good natured attitude it's no wonder she has so many adoring fans. She loves all her followers.

John Cusack has only responded to me once. I have new respect for the man, I have found him very intriguing. The man is brilliant and passionate on his beliefs, and doesn't care what he says or has any problems speaking his opinions. To me that is wonderful. We shouldn't be afraid to say what is on our mind or how we feel.  Although he seems to be picky on who he follows and answers back I will still follow because reading his tweets are fun and inspirational.

Another lady I have chatted with is Angie Raulerson a Nashville singer and a Doctor of Naturopathy. This lady is absolutely adorable and sweet. She is a real talent and good heart you can check her out at

Jim Carrey is another who isn't afraid to speak his mind as we all know with his recent news about his split up with Jenny McCarthy. His post can be really funny and there is no way you can censor this man nor should anyone do so. Free speech Jim!

Kisrtie Alley is a hoot. This woman's posts are funny she is "real" I love her and give her a huge applause for her show and what she is trying to accomplish ... "Way to go Kirstie!"

Anyways I had better try and get a couple of hours sleep. Blog and Twitter later folks!

1 Comment:

  1. alan said...
    And then, suddenly, out of the blue, you meet someone truly real...


    Hope you're sleeping better now!

    It's nice to find you here!


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